I can hardly believe it, but at 26-weeks pregnant I'm officially two-thirds of the way through this pregnancy. Which means I'm officially starting to panic. Perhaps it's because I have a barely-there bump, perhaps it's because I've been anticipating pregnancy to be an eternity (a la Jessica Simpson), but since moving our desk into the living room way back in early June, we have done nothing--nothing!--to transition the study into the nursery. And so I've done what any pregnant person would do: Shop on Etsy and cry to her husband.
Well I'm here to report both tactics worked. It's no surprise I gravitated to this affirmation banner, which is hand-made from black wool stitched onto a cotton flour sack. Now when I walk past our barely-there nursery, the words ease my angst. God willing, they will continue to do the same come October, during the wee hours of the morning.
Onto the tears. A few weeks ago I picked up a rocking chair on Craigslist for $50. It's made of wood and has a minimalist design, which is important for such a small room. (I'll include pictures of the chair in a future post.) Unfortunately, this rocker also had the smelliest cushions I've ever smelled--and, no, that's not just because my hormone-driven pregnancy nostrils--so the Mr. and I agreed we'd have new cushions made. Well, cushions take time. And last week, with no time at work for personal errands and no time on the weekend due to out-of-town travel, I began to fret. While I don't recall any actual water droplets dribbling down my cheeks (my husband may disagree), Jon came to the rescue, orchestrating the entire fabric order from the G Street Fabrics in Seven Corners. What a man! Here are the fabrics we ordered:

As you know, we're not finding out the sex of our soon-to-be tot, so I chose gender-neutral greens and yellows. The branches on the yellow fabric fit well with the walls, which are already painted a dark chocolate and trimmed with bright white. The seat cushion will be made out of the green fabric, and the back pillow
will be made of the yellow. I'm also having a roll pillow made out of
the yellow fabric for the crib. Both fabrics are from Duralee's indoor/outdoor collection, as I figured these pillows are bound to get mighty messy with the amount those tiny humans can burp back up (lovely). Midnight spit-up? A warm wash cloth should do the trick. (I took the same approach when recovering our TV-room couch, by the way. And, for the record, a warm wash cloth does the trick on beer stains, too.) Our order should arrive in two to three weeks, just in time for us to have the cushions returned from the upholsterer by September.
So, yes: It's OK. It's all OK.