I usually love winter. The coldest season causes pause, forces one to stay indoors, to snuggle with your sweetheart. I find I never fully appreciate April blooms unless I've had to survive a good winter freeze.
Not so, this year.
This year, more than any other year, I have wished, wanted, yearned for warmer weather--a chance to get outside, to walk with the stroller, to bring Cecile into the fresh air. She was, after all, born in October, just before temperatures dropped and flu season flourished. So much of January and February I looked forward to Washington's signature mid-winter warm spell--something I usually sneer at, saying: "Take off your flip flops, people. It's winter. This will only catch you a cold and mess up the cherry blossoms." But this year the warm spell never came ... not even after the groundhog told us spring would come early.
Then this morning we woke up with an inch of snow on the grass. Lots more snow was promised to be on the way, so I convinced Jon to stay and work from home. If spring wasn't going to come, gosh darn it, then we might as well embrace winter. Build a fire! Take Cecile to the sledding hill! Hot cocoa! Jon wouldn't want to miss Cecile's first sled ride--right??--and this snow storm had a name, so the weathermen must mean serious business. He stayed.

I held Cecile to the window and we waited for the worst of the storm to arrive while Jon worked. Clumps and clumps of wet white snow fell from the skies. Cecile was fascinated by the snowy scene.
But the whiteout proved to be nothing more than theatrics. Temperatures never got cold enough to produce the snowfall predicted, leaving our neighborhood with little more than white grass and wet roads.
We spent the afternoon playing indoors. It was much too sloppy to venture to the sledding hill, we decided. Besides, there were books to read, fires to build, and Sophies to eat.
nom nom nom ...
Ever read The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats? It was a childhood favorite of mine and was perfect for our [faux] snow day.
Thanks for sticking around to learn of our adventures. See you soon.