Had an awesome day celebrating home. We started in our neighborhood for the 33rd annual Fourth of July block party before heading to my in-laws', where friends and family met up to share a barbecue, drink margaritas, and watch fireworks. Cecile loved her first Fourth ... she was so excited to partake in the festivities she felt the need to get up from an already late bedtime to watch the fireworks with us. Here are some moments from the day. Enjoy, and yay America!
^^Pretty darned proud of myself for these homemade America pops.^^

^^The neighbors go all out. Face-painting, chalk sidewalks, moon bounces. It's awesome.^^
^^Off to the [floor of the] in-laws'!^^

^^'Pappa D makes the meanest ribs on the block. Pass the floss.^^
^^Aunt LoLo is always the funnest :)^^

^^My dad, 'Daddy Mac', trying to make baby girl happy while mama eats.^^

^^Bedtime, maybe?^^
^^Please don't burn yourselves. Please.^^
^^Fireworks above the trees, from my in-laws' backyard. Not bad.^^
^^... and in a great mood when the fireworks woke baby girl up. Happy Fourth! xx^^