As if we didn't have enough food over the holiday weekend, Jon's parents invited us over for turkey leftovers and latkas to celebrate Chanukah ... or, this year, Thanksgivukkah. Cecile dug the dreidels and, more so, tinkering with the paper, tape, and ribbons during the gift exchange. We laughed, lit the candles, and kvetched. Oy vey!
^^A little daddy-daughter time :)^^

^^Robin and Zack were in charge of the latkas. Total pros!^^

Cecile positively loves her cousins Sydney and Zack. She is fascinated by their each and every move, and has even been caught flirting with Zack! The three of them, plus the one and only Gran-E, spent most of the evening together on the floor with (veryyyy noisy) toys.

^^These boots were made for walking! (Thanks, Laura!)^^
Spinning the dreidel; lighting the lights ...
As a cashew, our daughter not only has to behave for The Elf on the Shelf, but also The Mensch on a Bench. Looks like she was a good little girl this year, as Cecile was rewarded well ...

Oh dear, what can save a meltdown in the middle of the witching hour?? Why, latkas of course! Lucky us, there were plenty potato pancakes to go around :)))) Happy Chanukah to all who are celebrating this year!