Two weeks ago today my parents threw a rehearsal dinner for my brother and his then-fiancé, Laura. Held under a tent in my childhood backyard, it was the perfect opening act for what became an overall beautiful and love-filled weekend. Let me treat you to some pictures I snapped of my parents' event ...

My mom opted for two long farm tables over traditional round tables. "I want a completely different feeling than what will follow the next night," I recall her saying. Burlap, birch tree branches, oversized lanterns, and wildflowers dominated the tables, and paper placemats and mason jars helped bring the formality down a notch.

Over the summer, I introduced my mom to Etsy, where she scored chalkboard accents galore and these crazy-cute carved candles.

And let's talk about the flowers for a minute, shall we? When my mom was articulating her vision with the florist, she insisted on no flowers. "I wanted a lot of greenery and mosses. If there had to be a bloom, than I wanted it to be a wildflower. [The florist] was hesitant, but then two weeks ago she called me and said, 'Anne: the birch tree in my backyard just lost a large limb! I have an idea!'" Really, my photography doesn't do these arrangements justice. They were stunning.

^^My family :)))), and my daddy and sister, below^^

As the sun set, the lanterns and tea lights went to work. It was incredibly romantic.

^^The bride- and groom-to-be, and my parents :)^^

^^My dad's speech. I'm not the only one who wildly talks with their hands ...^^

^^You could just feel their joy for each other. It was wonderful.^^
The party was great fun, and the high my parents created on this evening was heightened further--if you can believe!--by the Mickum's gorgeous send-off at Columbia Country Club the following night. Words cannot express how truly awesome it is to witness your kid brother find such deep, true love in another. And I am confident I can speak for the whole family when I say we are all very lucky to now have Laura united with us forever. Congratulations, B&L! xx!

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