Forgive me! Life marches on. I escaped for a weekend away in New York, Thanksgiving followed, and then I came down with a mean cold. So mean, I debated using the snot-sucker on myself. (I didn't.) But the Thanksgiving holiday was such a nice one that I have to share it with you.
We rotate between families each year, and this year was a Direnfeld year. We went to my in-laws', where GG--a.k.a. the "silver fox"--met us with hugs and smiles, per usual. She's 95 years old (!) and it was such a treat to have her at the Thanksgiving table with us.

^^GG with Deanna and "RoRo," my fabulous aunt by marriage; and Mimi and Pop-pop :)^^

The evening was very relaxed. Cecile was given lots of attention and, no surprise, loved every minute of it. Her latest: Trying on my shoes. She says, "Mommy, off!" and then swaps her kicks for mine before taking a stroll.

And for those of you looking for a family photo every now and again, here you go. The truth is, family photos are impossible with a wiggly toddler! It's a miracle to get us all in the same frame, nevermind all of us looking at the camera and smiling. So there. I suppose that shot does the trick ;)

The next day my dad came over. Despite the frigid temps, we spent an hour or two thinking spring and planting daffodil and crocus bulbs. Cecile lovvvvvved helping her "Mac" with the task, and I love that I'll finally have some flowers in our yard come springtime. (Thanks, Dad!)

And finally, on Saturday we spent the day at my parents' house. Jon and I are lucky enough to have both sets of parents in town, so whomever we don't see on Thanksgiving Day we make plans to see the following Saturday. It's become a nice tradition.

Again, Cecile soaks up the attention given from her grandparents, aunts, and uncles ... you know, in between phone calls and coffee breaks ;) ;)

That girl has her priorities in line: shoes, chit chat, coffee. #girlaftermyownheart