Yesterday was my thirtieth birthday. It was a terrific day. Tuesday, however, was not so terrific. Late in the afternoon, after loading Cecile and our week's groceries into the car, I slammed the door on my own finger. How I did this, I cannot say. But I knew it was broken because I immediately felt nauseous, and if Cecile's birth story is any proof, I'm usually not one to get queasy from pain. Yeouch, I do not recommend breaking your finger ... it is no fun, especially when you have to change a seven-month-old's diaper ten times a day. Silly, klutzy Liz.
Wednesday I felt better than Tuesday, and then yesterday the pain was minimal. Today there's just a funny tinkling sensation. Anyway, I will have to say there is one little bit of funniness is this whole story: The finger I busted was my middle finger. Yep. A final declaration from my roaring twenties? a flip to getting older? The subliminal messages are endless.
But, yes: Yesterday was my thirtieth birthday, and Jon sent me balloons (excellent entertainment for C) and then took me to Paris. Well, not Paris-Paris. But I think we got as close to Paris as possible while staying in the District. We had dinner at Le Diplomate on 14th & Q streets, NW, and oh my gosh, everything was wonderful. Here are a few pics of the evening we snapped with our iPhones ...

Cecile was in a terrific mood, which made things so much easier. She loved the bread basket our waiter brought. There were slices of this cranberry-walnut loaf that entertained her throughout our entire meal--a godsend! And, um, is her highchair not the most adorable highchair you've ever seen?? I want one. (No seriously, Jon: I really, really want one.)

The service was extremely friendly (everyone stopped to say bonjour to our babe), the meal was superb, and the company was perfect.
^^Only when we had to go, did Cecile melt down. And I don't blame her, as I also didn't want to get the check (l'addition, s'il vous plait!) or leave (bonne nuit!). I included this pic because I think C's sad face is so funny. Plus, you see my poor busted finger.^^
French food, good wine (let's just say I had enough to forget about my finger), a (mostly) happy baby, and a lovely husband. What more could a mama want? A very, very happy birthday to me :) xx