Friday, June 14, 2013

hanging in lowcountry.

Last week's vacation took our little family to Kiawah Island, S.C. We spent our time in my in-laws' new getaway, which is tucked away amongst the reeds and winding tidal waters of the Kiawah River. In short, the place is awesome. 
The moments Cecile spends in my lap are limited these days. She's too busy practicing her crawling and sitting positions to want to snug with mom. On the floor, she'd get on all fours as if about to crawl. But instead of sinking onto her belly to do her army-crawl slink, she figured out how to go back to sitting. Sounds like a small task, I know, but this was a mega milestone!
 ^^So proud of herself!^^
^^Fresh, local shrimp on the barbie.^^
The island roads snake around several rivers and golf courses and their respective club houses. The marshes (talk about an ever-present hazard) are protected, and the houses almost disappear into the palms and pines, which are cloaked in Spanish moss. Isn't it serene? 
I loved photographing the marshes. The grasses turned color with every snap, it seemed, depending on the light and time of day. Not to mention the overture of birds chirping, bugs humming. Each night, after Cecile was put to sleep and we enjoyed a glass of wine in the screened-in porch (no bug spray needed!), we were serenaded by the song of a whip-poor-will. It was hypnotic. 
Gorgeous, no? We're looking forward to our next visit!