Hi there. I promised you pictures, and so pictures I will share. The thing is, we've not yet been in our house three weeks and there are still boxes hiding in corners and a punch list for our contractor to knock out. Not to mention I'm constantly cleaning up after a toddler and Border Collie and, ahem, an ever-so-lovely-and-doting-but-not-very-clean husband. Most things are unpacked and I think we've done a superb job getting art up on the walls. I'm even getting the hang of unloading the dishwasher without second guessing in which cabinet each dish belongs. But still, taking exciting "reveal" pictures for you patient readers has proven ... challenging. Nevertheless, yesterday morning I picked up my camera and snapped a few shots of our little family enjoying our downstairs space. I think you'll be able to get a pretty good grasp of the new downstairs floor plan.

As you may recall from our plans, we switched the locations of our kitchen and family room, and created a see-through fireplace between the living and family rooms. We also now have a separate dining space, located just off the kitchen. All bedrooms are now located upstairs, leaving room downstairs for a playroom--once upon a time, our master suite. I can have an ear--if not an eye, too--on what C is up to even when I'm all the way on the opposite side of the house in the kitchen. I love it.

Funny enough, when I was walking through snapping snaps of Cecile's playroom, I came across a doodle I had done nearly two years ago, when we were first thinking about doing our little pop-up. Crazy, even though it is not at all what our house looks like today :)
^^Funny girl insisted on wearing a size 3T romper I bought on super sale intended for NEXT summer. It barely stayed on her throughout the morning :) Better to get more use out of it, I suppose.^^

Eventually I was able to shoo Jon and Cecile out for some errands. I tidied up a little (except for my coffee cup and to-do list on the island, evidently--oops!) and captured a few more pictures before moving on with the holiday. Above you can see the kitchen, as viewed from the dining room. Below are two shots of the family room.

Here is the living room, taken from the front hallway. And you can glimpse the dining room in the very far back.
Bogie's favorite thing about the new digs (aside from being back to her backyard squirrel-patrol duties), is the living room bay window. It's her look-out. Whenever we come home (home!), I see her peeking out that window, looking for our return. It's positively adorable.

I realize this spread was a bit of a tease. Once all the curtains are hung and boxes unpacked, I'll do posts room-by-room that detail where I culled ideas and even scored some deals. Next week landscaping goes in and the shutters get a fresh coat of paint, so I'll give you a look at a less-brown exterior. Oh, and there are some pretty awesome chippendale balustrades I've really been looking forward to, too. Gotta stay tuned, friends! ;) ;)