Hi, hi, and hello from our backyard! We are HOME! Our little family moved back to 36th Street two weeks ago, on Friday the 13th--an unlucky day for most, but the greatest of days for us. After a long eight months of construction, I can honestly say Operation: Pop The Top was totally, wholly, awesomely worth it. Bogie is happy. Cecile is happy. Mama and Daddy are happy. Words cannot express how truly great it is to be back.

I apologize for such long time gaps between posts, dear readers. The truth is, it has always been a goal of mine to post happy stories in this online space, to highlight the good. While there was plenty of good that happened while we were in our rental house, at the end of every day I was just plain tired and, in all honesty, not wholly myself. I realize it's a moot point to complain about the place we lived this winter and spring--especially when the end result is one of such awesomeness and extraordinary privilege. The thing is, I have always been a nester, someone who prides myself of being able to make a home out of any space I inhabit, to really live in it. Those of you that knew me in college know that the dorm I shared with another nesting-inclined friend could've been photographed for College Living, if ever such a shelter magazine existed. But in the case of our rental house, I covered floors with our rugs, cleaned vents, hung art, cooked belly-warming dinners; but I was never able to make any magic. It never felt home.
But that is all over now. Thank goodness.

Our new/old house is incredible. It is both the same and so very different. Our furniture hasn't changed--much of it stands exactly where it did pre-renovation. There are even whole rooms that went virtually untouched. But now everything is just more, well, spread out. And vibe is very entirely ours ... more so than it ever was. Every little detail--from paint and tile choices, to crown moldings and millwork, to plumbing and lighting fixtures and newel posts and roof color and brick color and you-name-it-color: it's all "us." And while our house is now double in size, every inch of it is lived in. Already there is not one room we don't occupy at some point during our day, and I love that. We haven't been here but two weeks, and already it feels like we've lived here forever, that we never left.
Oh, and that little girl peeking from behind boxes in November? Today she is a walking, talking toddler with a big personality, an imagination, an insatiable appetite for raspberries and yogurt, and an awesome sense of humor. She carries her bunny everywhere; loves her dog, reading, and painting on her easel; and holds on tight to the "big-kid" swings at the park. Cecile moved into her new room with no problems. I was worried about a few sleepless nights or, at the very least, troubles with naptime. But much to this mama's surprise, my baby girl has been sleeping later (!), been in better moods during the day, and has loved showing off the revised floor plan to a revolving door of friends and family that have stopped by to scope the new digs. It's been a welcome dose of extra awesome. Oh my, what a difference half a year makes when you're a pint-size person. I just love her so.

That just about sums everything up. There are just a few more boxes I hope to sort through before--I promise, promise, promise you--posting pictures of our house this week. Thank you for visiting this space again, and for staying tuned through so much silence. I have so many more happy stories to share. It is so very nice to be home :) xx