Last weekend, my college roommate and her husband and two kids came to stay with us. Liz, John, Ainslie, and Declan Carter call Michigan their home, but the whole gang folded into their Volt and rolled into town for a family wedding. Within moments of their Friday arrival, our house became one giant playhouse. And as it should! Sure, we did just move back in and there's a fresh coat of paint and everything (more or less) has a been put in its proper place. But there's nothing worse than a house that's not lived in. Like, really lived in. So it was awesome to have some help breaking in the place. Besides, nothing can be too precious in a house with a toddler.

The weekend was a blast. New toys were unpacked; wine was uncorked. Everybody--including, if not especially, the adults--stayed up too late. Ainslie and Declan slept in our spare room upstairs, and the inflatable bed was a total showstopper. I remain amazed the weekend went without a trip to the Minute Clinic for stitches ... for both the children and their parents.

Cecile had so much fun. Ainslie treated her like her personal doll, and Declan quietly stole her heart. It's been five days since the Carters hit the road back north to Michigan, and C is still talking about "Z-Z" and "Dek." The inflatable bed currently lies deflated in a corner (yeah, I'll get to it), but Cecile still seeks it out and throws herself onto the pile of plastic and asks for her friends. I like to think it's her way of remembering what fun we all had. It's sweet.

In short, the Carters came, they conquered, and then we all went kaput ;) ;) It was nice to be a part of the chaos, so visit again soon, please. I love being a witness to your gorgeous, growing family, xx.
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